till älskade o saknade mamma <3

Lift me up each day
Even though you've gone away
Your Spirit dances in my mind
In my heart, and in my soul
The life you lived, The Love you left
The one's you've touched, we won't forget
You give us strength in time of need
My Friend, My Angel Friend

'And we shared good times, through the years
In my heart and soul, you're here with me
My Friend, My Angel Friend

I hear you whisper in the wind
Piece by piece our, hearts will mend
The dreams you've shared will carry on
Here and now, and beyond
'And the world will smile, for you were here
The gifts you brought we'll hold them dear
I'll take you with me, 'til we meet again
My Friend My Angel Friend

'And We'll share good times from now on
In my heart you live on, with me
My Friend, My Angel Friend

I miss my Friend

Postat av: Michélle.

Älskade Nettan. du ska veta att jag tänker ofta på din mamma gumman. Hon var en mycket fin människa.

Många kramar.

@ 2010-07-18 @ 23:22:46

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